Data Discovery

Find Sensitive Data Wherever It Resides Across The Enterprise

Data Discovery Solution

Personal data is everywhere: on-premises and in the cloud, from file servers and databases to data warehouses and data lakes, as well as individual endpoints and your mainframe. PKWARE’s data discovery solution automatically finds sensitive data wherever it resides and ensures a high level of accuracy.

What Customers Have to Say About PK Protect

“Data privacy is going to continue to be important. And given that we operate at a global scale, we have to stay on top of that. This is why we are making investments in technology and working with partners like PKWARE.”

Harveer Singh, Chief Data Architect & Global Head of Data, Western Union

Data Privacy Inside Western Union - PKWARE

Why is Data Discovery Important to Support Your Data Security Posture Management (DSPM)?

DSPM is the process of analyzing and organizations entire data set quickly, regardless of where it lives, how and where it moves with accuracy. Data discovery is the first step in quickly identifying and understanding where data resides in an organization’s ecosystem and is the foundation to enhancing data security.

Data Discovery Benefits for Your Data Security Posture

In today’s data-driven world, data discovery is no longer just a luxury but a necessity. The interconnectedness of data security and data discovery means that organizations that invest in understanding their data security posture are better positioned to protect their most valuable assets.

PK Protect Supports Some of the Industry’s Top Platforms

Additional Resources

  • PKWARE March 2, 2023
  • Bloor Report: Discovering Sensitive Data
    PKWARE February 8, 2023
  • PKWARE August 19, 2022
  • PKWARE August 19, 2022

Additional Resources

  • PKWARE March 2, 2023
  • Bloor Report: Discovering Sensitive Data
    PKWARE February 8, 2023
  • PKWARE August 19, 2022